Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 M8 Vs Polaris Dragon 800


the fate ... Just believe!

musical comedy in two acts by Matthew Menduni

Directed Carlo Dilonardo


11 and 12 June 2010

"A few steps away from me" - At the Rome Theater, a musical comedy for those who have the heart and the dreams of twenty years.

debut at the Theatre of Rome, the first musical comedy Matthew Menduni, Tuscan young singer-songwriter and winner of several singing festivals with their second album on the way, who also all the songs. Directed by Charles Dilonardo. A fresco fun, colorful, romantic and enthralling that universe of "positive" of teens today, their dreams and difficulties to be overcome to achieve them, love and friendship.

The staging is sponsored by Stella Maior Company, composed of young actors, in collaboration with the Cultural Theatre & Culture. <> says director Charles Dilonardo, < >>.

history. Anna girl twenty-two who has recently closed an important love relationship, moved in the apartment adjacent to that of Lorenzo, a young songwriter, looking for the right inspiration to help him make "the perfect song" to be presented to a important singing competition. The two lives are seemingly distant, but over their dreams, aspirations and adventures that they both live in the company of their friends and inseparable, but their paths are joined by an unpredictable coincidence ...



VERY CLOSE TO ME Matteo Menduni

Original Music Matteo Menduni - Directed by Charles Dilonardo

with: Vincenzo D'Angelo, Valeria Nardella, William Ansah, Federica Fabbri, Alessandro Bevilacqua, Gianniccolò Pisaneschi, Annamaria Fittipaldi.

Choreography: Valerie Iacampo and Monia Bottazzo


Via Umbertide 3, Roma - tel. 06 7850626

11:12 I arrive 2010 / 21.00 hours Friday - Saturday at 17.30 and 21.00


entire 15.00 - 12.00 reduced (students-groups-cral) - 10.00 (under 15 and over 65)


Giulia Capone - Organization - CELL.339-3519938 - organizzazionestellamaior @


Maura Bonelli D-MOOD

m.bonelli @

tel. + 39 06 6280867

mob. + 39 338 4253 503

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sympathy Quotes For Sick

Maroni, Mille Miglia in Bologna

Tuta da corsa professionale rosso acceso in onore del glorioso half led, red hat with visor, flying goggles and eyeglasses twenties, these modern fortunately, in ink. The Minister of Interior Roberto Maroni (pictured) opened yesterday in Brescia to the 19.30 the first stage of the 2010 Mille Miglia, the historic car race 1,600 km long: from Brescia to Rome and back. The holder of the Interior Ministry took place at the head of un'autopompa Isotta Fraschini owned by the Fire Department in Milan. The color? Red fire, of course. The first stage was completed late at night in Bologna.

Maroni, fire truck in Mille Miglia - Interior - 07/05/2010 of

Monday, May 3, 2010

Will Lcd Prices Change

L'agghiacciante quotidianità dei giovani al Teatro dell'Orologio di Roma - "NON RUBARE" 18-30 Maggio

Director Charles Dilonardo, the 'author Irene Channel, and a group of young actors have created a path of work that brutally eviscerates a human condition not to -identity. Face, with this staging, the inadequacy of the human being and young people today: the difficulty of finding an identity, to build a life, a "family" that we can trust. Young
facing a terrifying insecurities of everyday life, murders family and false worlds to be desired. And that, from the stage, encourage the 'at-tension " the viewer through the desperate search of having something and being someone. Stealing. Four brothers, Right, Down, Tutu and nanny, live together in a non-place. are poor and spend their time trying to become good thieves. During one of their arguments, returns home the fifth brother, Gio, who had abandoned them to live with his girlfriend Nini. The woman accused of having stolen a bracelet Giò and breaks into the house to seek justice. The clash between the six characters, exposes their true nature, their discomfort, their secrets and desires ... and not just a name, they struggle against each other to find that identity and that road that should belong to everyone, with the belief that to build a life you steal the next ...

Theatres & Culture Cultural Association presents

Irene Channel

From 18 to 30 May 2010
Clock Theatre - Artaud room

with Carmine Balducci, Francesco Vellei, Chiara Saiella, Enrica
Nizi, Bernardo Casertano, Irene Channel

Directed CARLO DiLonardo

CLOCK THEATRE - Artaud room
Via de 'Filippini, 17 / a - Roma
tel. 06 6875550

Tuesday to Saturday at 21.00 - 18.00 hours Sunday
Intero € 13,00 - Children € 10.00 (membership card € 2.00 )

392 1505171 - 06 6875550



Assistant Director

Giulio Capone


Maura Bonelli D-MOOD

m.bonelli @

tel. + 39 06 6280867

mob. + 39 338 4253 503