T & C
for the 2010-2011 Theatre Season
formula loyalty
"ROMA vs. THEATRE 4 A 3 "
Dear Friends,
will carry a list of shows to see the collaboration and / or ' organization of the Cultural Theatre & Culture . Following the success of our previous work also obtained through the consensus of the public, we felt it should be possible to all our friends who follow our work to take out a subscription formula that allows you to watch
! 4 shows the price of 3 *!
* The viewer chooses three shows in 1 to enter "full" (max. € 20) and 2 to input "low" (max.12 €), the fourth it offers our association and allows the viewer to access the ticket to the show with "small-company" (max. 5 €).
(bookings and info to the number. 392.1505171 - or by mail: assoteaculture@gmail.com).
One of the key points of our association is to disseminate and spread the theatrical culture in all its forms and that is why we decided, in agreement with the companies, to create this form of loyalty to our work.
As you can see "our bill" is rich and versatile ... the choice is yours!
We thank you for your attention, we can only give you an appointment at the theater ...
Carlo Dilonardo
President Ass.cult. THEATRES & CULTURE
"The city needs THEATRE,
[P. Grassi]
1) From November 4 to 7
Sam Shepard
Directed by: Elizabeth de Vito, Ciro Scalera
Teatro Furio Camillo (Via Camilla 44 - Furio Camillo)
The Damnation of an incestuous love between two brothers, children of a decline of values \u200b\u200bthat makes this play than ever. Four characters: 'old', father 'Eddie' and 'May', and 'Martin', create a web of feelings so much real rough, marked by action and plot twists.
2) From November 30 to December 19
Di Rosario Galli
Director Luigi Russo
THEATER WATCH (Via de 'Filippini, 17 - New Church)
Everything you want to have, and you can get, a matter for the flight, not to miss the opportunities that life presents. And when you offers? ... Look for them. Everywhere! A history of women, some women of course, with the anxiety of doing everything, without respite, without a breather. A history of men also, of course, some men with the anxiety of talking, talking without saying anything, talk to ... to ...?
Come to find out. It will be fun. Promised!
3) From 2 to 5 December
NOT 'THAT MANY VORT. ... (One night in Rome)
Paraggio and Carlo Di Gennaro Dilonardo
Directed by: Carlo Dilonardo
THEATER ANTIGONE (Via Amerigo Vespucci, 42 - Testaccio)
One of the many nights on the banks of the Tiber lived two tramps: Luke she moved to Rome to love him, the Roman de Rome "- despite the current conditions of life - living with pride and dignity of his past as an aspiring actor brilliant. A comedy dedicated to colors, noises and sounds of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
4) From December 9 to 19
Patrick Hamilton
Directed by: Alessandro Leone
THEATRE Trastevere (Via Jacopo de 'Settesoli, 3 - Trastevere)
A caring husband, a young wife, pale with the beauty, performance tires from a psychological malaise that seems to beset for some time. Strange events happen in their house. The woman is on the brink of insanity as his mother, who died in an asylum a few years earlier.
What hides the dark house? What are the mysteries that surround the ...?
5) From January 18 to 30
little crime MARITAL
By Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Directed by: Carlo Dilonardo
THEATRE secret rooms (Way of Repentance, 3 - Trastevere)
A man and a woman: a love story as much (or, perhaps, like them all!). It discusses love on the contradictory truth of this sentiment, the limits can become hatred. In the extra-ordinary space secret rooms of the Theatre is staged one of the most fascinating and dramaturgical texts discussed on the couple and love. love me and then kill me, right? "-" I love you and it kills me. "
6) 8 to 20 February
Di Franca Zucca
Directed by: Carlo Dilonardo
THEATER ANTIGONE (Via Amerigo Vespucci, 42 - Testaccio)
a grotesque comedy that leads to the absurd at times hilarious. The star took a moment of infinite love for the poor father, who died long ago, when the compaction of the latter is driven by an irresistible urge to keep him still standing, so as to be able to steal a vertebra. A text that pushes the analysis of family relationships with great irony.
7) From 'March 1 to 6
Irene Channel
Directed by: Carlo Dilonardo
THEATRE secret rooms (Way of Repentance, 3 - Trastevere)
A group of young actors have created a path of work that brutally eviscerates a human condition of non-identity. Face, with this staging, the inadequacy of the human being and young people today: the difficulty of finding an identity, to build a life, a "family" that we can trust.
8) From March 21 to 27
Francesca Di Angeli
Directed by: Carlo Dilonardo
AGORA THEATRE (Way of Penance 33 - Trastevere)
Three young women struggling with their everyday concerns are ecstatic and fascinating, for several reasons, the figure of a man who can hit the heart with their words, speeches, attitudes, and especially with a great story-telling ability: is this real? A funny comedy that could be inspired by that "trust is good, not to trust is better" ... so far the proverb, but you really can? ... Women in the audience will judge!
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